SAFE CUSTODY "That might do/' said Palm, rubbing his nose, "All the same ... I quite see your point, Olivia. But—well, Harris and your unde together will make a pretty hot pair. And when I say 'hot/ I mean 'smoking/ If they got wind that you were outside these walls . . /' " We shan't sleep if you are/' said I, and meant what I said. Olivia looked at me sharply. " And what of my name ? " she said. She turned to Palin. " I suppose that's what you mean when you say that you ' see my point/ I don't blame the others so much, although I can hardly believe that England's as lax as all that. But you know Austria. I broke a good many rules when I shared your inn: but at least I hid my name, and it was a public hotel. But to stay with you here in this castle, for, possibly, two or three months. . , . You must be mad. I'm not very proud of my uncles, but Haydn's a pretty big name. Yet if I did this, no peasant in all Carinthia would take off his hat as I passed. Instead, they'd spit on the ground. If I went to a farm and asked for a cup of cold water, the farmer would try to kiss me, and if his wife was there, she'd order me off the place." There was an uncomfortable silence. At length— "We must shutter that window/* said Hubert. "We'd better do it at once/' 162